Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dedicated to My Grandbaby

A Star is Born

In tiny hands, the world is held,  

A universe in dreams foretold.  

A smile as bright as morning's sun,  

A journey full, just now begun.  

Each giggle paints the sky with light,  

A future filled with wings for flight.  

Your eyes reflect the endless blue,  

In every way, you're something new.  

Small fingers wrapped in love so tight,  

A grandparent’s heart, now taking flight.  

In every step, in every way,  

You fill our world with brighter days.  

The sweetest soul, our joy, our pride,  

With you, there's nothing we must hide.  

A grandchild's love, so pure, so true—  

Our hearts belong forever to you.  

Copyright 2024

Crystal Amon

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