Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Grandbaby’s Smile

A smile so pure, so full of glee,

Lights up the room for all to see.

The grandbaby's joy, a precious gift,

Effortlessly our spirits lift.

That dimpled cheek, that twinkling eye,

Captivates the heart, makes time stand by.

A moment of bliss, so simple yet true,

Reminding us of what's most dear, too.

In the grandbaby's smile, we find solace,

A reflection of innocence, free from malice.

It washes away the worries of the day,

Renewing our hope in a gentle way.

So let us cherish this fleeting delight,

The grandbaby's smile, a guiding light.

For in its radiance, we're reminded to be

Grateful for life's purest joys, endlessly.

Copyright 2024

Crystal Amon

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