Saturday, July 20, 2024

Mend My Broken Heart

Once, our hearts beat as one,

A symphony of love had just begun.

Promises whispered, stars aligned,

A bond so pure, it seemed divine.

Yet, slowly, the cracks began to show,

Misunderstandings, a steady flow.

Walls erected, trust eroded away,

As the light of love started to decay.

Bitter words, hurtful deeds,

Nourished the seeds of our broken needs.

Passion turned to resentment's flame,

Our once-cherished love, now just a name.

Though the path ahead seems dark and bleak,

I implore you, my love, one last time to speak.

Let us mend the wounds, heal the pain,

And rekindle the fire that should still remain.

For without you, my heart is incomplete,

A life unlived, a love unable to meet.

So, I beseech you, let us not part,

But rewrite this story, with a faithful heart.

Copyright 2024
Crystal Amon

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