Monday, September 19, 2022

Can’t Do Nothing Right!

It appears that you have indeed forgotten me,

The person who is never going to be on your team. 

Yet, your judgements cause me to ask myself why?

Whenever your cruel words begin to hurl and fly.

Brokenhearted by the crap you choose to believe,

So, as a result, I cannot control my anxiety until I leave. 

Your lack of respect screams loudly once again,

Why do you punish me for your own thoughts and foolish sin?

Loyalty is not a word that you will ever allow my heart to feel, 

Instead, I’m lonely with you and are tired of this one-sided deal.

My pleasure and emotional needs are not in your future plan,

Tired of feeling like you will never be a happy man.

I watch you sleep and I remain lonely on your couch,

However, instantly you show me that you are a grouch.

I can’t cuddle or even sit beside you in bed,

Because, you want your privacy and right to sleep instead.

Your constant silence speaks volumes tonight, 

It’s been over a week and you haven’t even asked, “If I am alright.”

I am sick of waiting for you to give a damn,

So, do what you want because you are a grown man. 

Don’t tell me anymore lies just because you are sad,

Dealing with your negative and mean ass makes me mad. 

You disrespect me each and every fucking time,

You lie to me and say you want me but you need time. 

Don’t mess with woman’s mind and ask her to forgive you,

Especially when you believe the world revolves around you.

You want to live in such a negative dismay,

Lose my number and just stay the heck away.

You cheated on me and always lied about your shit,

Don’t you know, I chose not to give up or quit.

I need someone who is proud to be by my side everyday,

As well as be with a man who respects me in every way. 

By, Crystal S. Amon

Copyrighted 2022

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