Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dedicated to My Dog

 By my side through every day,

In sun or rain, you’re here to stay.

With wagging tail and gentle eyes,

A world of love in small disguise.

You greet me with a joyful bark,

A warmth that brightens up the dark.

No words are needed, just your touch,

A bond that means so very much.

Through quiet walks or playful cheer,

You’re always near, my friend so dear.

A furry soul, so kind and true,

I’ll always be right here for you.

Copyright 2024

Crystal Amon

Dedicated to My Grandbaby

A Star is Born

In tiny hands, the world is held,  

A universe in dreams foretold.  

A smile as bright as morning's sun,  

A journey full, just now begun.  

Each giggle paints the sky with light,  

A future filled with wings for flight.  

Your eyes reflect the endless blue,  

In every way, you're something new.  

Small fingers wrapped in love so tight,  

A grandparent’s heart, now taking flight.  

In every step, in every way,  

You fill our world with brighter days.  

The sweetest soul, our joy, our pride,  

With you, there's nothing we must hide.  

A grandchild's love, so pure, so true—  

Our hearts belong forever to you.  

Copyright 2024

Crystal Amon

Friday, July 26, 2024

Eternal Dance


In whispers soft, where heartbeats meet,

Love’s gentle tide, a rhythmic beat.

A tender glance, a touch so sweet,

In moments shared, our souls complete.

Through dawns and dusks, in light and shade,

A bond that’s strong, will never fade.

In love’s embrace, fears are allayed,

Two hearts as one, a promise made.

Eternal dance, a timeless song,

In love’s pure light, we both belong.

Together strong, where we are drawn,

Our love will guide us, ever long.

Copyright 2024 

Crystal Amon

Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Grandbaby’s Smile

A smile so pure, so full of glee,

Lights up the room for all to see.

The grandbaby's joy, a precious gift,

Effortlessly our spirits lift.

That dimpled cheek, that twinkling eye,

Captivates the heart, makes time stand by.

A moment of bliss, so simple yet true,

Reminding us of what's most dear, too.

In the grandbaby's smile, we find solace,

A reflection of innocence, free from malice.

It washes away the worries of the day,

Renewing our hope in a gentle way.

So let us cherish this fleeting delight,

The grandbaby's smile, a guiding light.

For in its radiance, we're reminded to be

Grateful for life's purest joys, endlessly.

Copyright 2024

Crystal Amon

Shattered Heart


What once burned bright, now flickers low,

The embers of love, a fading glow.

Promises made, now turned to ash,

As trust and hope are forced to crash.

Echoes of laughter, once so dear,

Replaced by silence, void of cheer.

The bond we forged, now torn apart,

Leaving wounds that scar the heart.

I plead, I reason, yet you remain,

Unwilling to mend this broken chain.

The love we shared, a shattered dream,

Leaving me to face this harsh new scene.

But I will not give up, not without a fight,

For our love deserves one final plight.

Let us rekindle what was lost,

And mend the bridges, no matter the cost.

Copyright 2024

Crystal Amon

Mend My Broken Heart

Once, our hearts beat as one,

A symphony of love had just begun.

Promises whispered, stars aligned,

A bond so pure, it seemed divine.

Yet, slowly, the cracks began to show,

Misunderstandings, a steady flow.

Walls erected, trust eroded away,

As the light of love started to decay.

Bitter words, hurtful deeds,

Nourished the seeds of our broken needs.

Passion turned to resentment's flame,

Our once-cherished love, now just a name.

Though the path ahead seems dark and bleak,

I implore you, my love, one last time to speak.

Let us mend the wounds, heal the pain,

And rekindle the fire that should still remain.

For without you, my heart is incomplete,

A life unlived, a love unable to meet.

So, I beseech you, let us not part,

But rewrite this story, with a faithful heart.

Copyright 2024
Crystal Amon

Thursday, September 22, 2022

My Vows

The first night I met you, I was terrified and suddenly I knew, 

Safety and peace I found that moment with you, 

Holding me tight every night is what made me fall,

However, I knew you wasn’t mine but you continued to call. 

Knowing you continued to return despite your pain and all, 

Climbing the mountain, I lost my balance fans began to fall.

Choosingto stay and love me each night despite the pain.

Nothing for you to care about or want to gain. 

The past trauma was beginning to peel back every night,

Every reason to say goodbye because of my terrors and fright. 

Loving me in such a gentle yet respectful sweet way,

Until your past affects your mind and I can’t have a say. 

Listen to heart cause you know me as I am with you, 

Stop accusing me of stuff cause you know it is not true. 

I feel beautiful because of the way you say I am every day. 

You are my life, your my soul and I say this with truth today. 

Each night that you hold me all night long.

Even though you were rebuilding yourself after losing your trust and all,

Yet, you took me as your Queen and tore down my walls.

Honestly, I was terrified to love you or myself after my past mistake,

However, each night, you were the risk I wanted so much to take.

My fascination with the way you make me feel each night, 

Actually allowed me to feel that trusting you is completely and everyday right.

These walls are now gone because you made safe as my King,

Today, I know I will one-day wear a beautiful weddingring.6AsI will never cheat or lie.

Trusting you is hard, but you proven you will answer my call,

Don't let me go my love as I have taken a scary fall. 

I really never knew what love was, yet I lam happy at what I feel, 

Therefore, my personal vows will always be real.

Today, my body, my heart, my trust, and all I will share,

Belongs to only my King because of how much he cares.

I'm entangled with in every way due to to way I feel safe with you,

Also, I vow to lovingly take care of you in every way you need me too.

I can promise to always give you the same respect you give me,

Thank you for helping me find a way to set myself free.

My life is completely happy because of the night we met,

Don't let go of me, while I enjoy all your nightly attention that I get.

By, Crystal S. Amon

Copyrighted 2022


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Changes Happen

 Changes happen to us sometimes overnight,

Some are of the dark, while others are of the light. 

Give yourself credit because you’re still standing,

You made it to a place that’s safe for landing. 

Never give up… at least that’s what they say,

Don’t forget you have a reason to stay,

Find the place where you belong, 

Don’t let your problems stick around too long.

Remember to hold your head up high, 

Smile big as you continue to walk on by.

Stand up tall and face your fears,

Wipe away the constant stream of tears.

Focus on you goals and dreams, 

Nothing is ever as it may seem.

You may fail but just do it anyway.

Let those around you know you're here to stay.

By, Crystal S. Amon

Copyrighted 2022



Momma, goodbye is so hard for me to even say. 

Help me figure how to write this in a way. 

I want others to see how you lost basically all 

It was too hard for you to bear knowing they won’t call.

Every day you prayed for someone to drop by,

Instead, they never saw that they were making you cry.

Will I ever forget the way you were forgotten through the years?

I moved heaven and earth to keep you out of tears. 

Did you know how much I enjoyed being there?

Were you able to feel how I cared?

I will miss you mom every day, 

I hope you were able to find your way, 

To Heaven and I will meet you again,

Along with Thomas and my other kin.

By, Crystal S. Amon

Copyrighted 2022

Monday, September 19, 2022

Can’t Do Nothing Right!

It appears that you have indeed forgotten me,

The person who is never going to be on your team. 

Yet, your judgements cause me to ask myself why?

Whenever your cruel words begin to hurl and fly.

Brokenhearted by the crap you choose to believe,

So, as a result, I cannot control my anxiety until I leave. 

Your lack of respect screams loudly once again,

Why do you punish me for your own thoughts and foolish sin?

Loyalty is not a word that you will ever allow my heart to feel, 

Instead, I’m lonely with you and are tired of this one-sided deal.

My pleasure and emotional needs are not in your future plan,

Tired of feeling like you will never be a happy man.

I watch you sleep and I remain lonely on your couch,

However, instantly you show me that you are a grouch.

I can’t cuddle or even sit beside you in bed,

Because, you want your privacy and right to sleep instead.

Your constant silence speaks volumes tonight, 

It’s been over a week and you haven’t even asked, “If I am alright.”

I am sick of waiting for you to give a damn,

So, do what you want because you are a grown man. 

Don’t tell me anymore lies just because you are sad,

Dealing with your negative and mean ass makes me mad. 

You disrespect me each and every fucking time,

You lie to me and say you want me but you need time. 

Don’t mess with woman’s mind and ask her to forgive you,

Especially when you believe the world revolves around you.

You want to live in such a negative dismay,

Lose my number and just stay the heck away.

You cheated on me and always lied about your shit,

Don’t you know, I chose not to give up or quit.

I need someone who is proud to be by my side everyday,

As well as be with a man who respects me in every way. 

By, Crystal S. Amon

Copyrighted 2022

The Eternal Night

 That old and familiar uneasy feeling,

Has returned as I am constantly kneeling.

Begging you just to touch me again,

Am I your beloved queen or your friend?

Do you feel my heart tonight?

Why won’t you give up the fight?

Will you always be this hardcore?

Listen babe, I want so much more. 

Needing to know your are there,

Whenever I need you just to care.

I am yours; this I hope you can see,

Are you truly embarrassed of me?

All I see is you always holding back, 

I beg for just a little time and slack.

Crushed each day that you ignore,

Whatever I say to you anymore. 

Your busy... but not like you say,

You could always make a way.

If I mattered as much as everything, 

You say I do; but your silence stings.

I need your attention while being caressed,

Choosing not to accept anything but the best.

Not allowing my heart to be hurt by you. 

Because you won’t share your heart too.

Open up and let me completely in your soul,

Let’s find happiness instead of the same old. 

I am fragile and I need more attention now,

You need love too, but I not sure how.

I am emotional at times and I must know,

What the hell do you feel and I need it to show?

Let me always see that your love is real,

Say it, show it, and pull me close till you feel.

The magic that I feel whenever we collide,

I feel you breathe, as your soul stirs inside.

Grab my hand and show me to the light,

For I am stuck, inside the eternal night.

Please love don’t take this rhyme all wrong,

In my heart, it is a repetitive dance and song.

These thoughts are screaming inside my head,

I cannot live with one more eternal night that I dread.

By, Crystal S. Amon

Copyrighted 2022